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Divorce in Columbus Has Come a Long Way


In my 30+ years of experience as a divorce and family law attorney here in Columbus, I can tell you that divorce has come a long way for the better.  The old model of divorce has been replaced with options that allow couples to tailor solutions to the unique rhythms of their family and their children’s lives.  Alternatives to divorce such as “dissolution” provide a faster and in many cases more cost-effective alternative for those couples who are in agreement on every aspect of the separation agreement.

There are times to take principled stands.  There are issues of child safety, fraud and even bullying that require the attention of a skilled and experienced attorney.  But Columbus couples no longer have to exhaust their life savings in order to simply complete a divorce.

There are a lot of issues that must be resolved including the division of assets and debts, child custody, visitation and support, spousal support or alimony, the division of closely held business interests or investment accounts, decisions about real property and the family home as well as retirement account division.  It is important to work with an experienced attorney who can smoothly guide you through and protect your interests throughout the process.  Call (614) 289-1227 for more information.
