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Who Gets Custody After a Divorce?

Child hugging mom.

Child Custody in Ohio

We understand that as parents, you and your ex likely want to keep your children as close to you as possible. In Ohio, child custody is taken seriously, with the court making most of the decisions for you if you decide to hire a family law attorney to initiate a custody case.

One of the most pressing questions most parents have is who gets to keep custody of their children?

Before answering this question, it’s important to have some understanding of custody laws in Ohio.

How Child Custody Works in Ohio

Like most states, Ohio makes it clear that the bests interests of your child are the priority, which can help the court make decisions on more specific factors. More specific factors can include:

  • The mental well-being of your child.
  • Your home’s environment.
  • Your children’s overall physical health.
  • Their living conditions at both homes.
  • Their relationship with both parents.
  • Both parent’s financial capability to provide their basic needs.
  • Past custody decisions, if there were any.
  • Your criminal history.
  • Your child support payment history.
  • Your physical and mental health.
  • Your child’s wishes to choose where to live primarily.

Once the court decides custody, you’ll then be granted the opportunity to make decisions for your children’s everyday lives. This kind of decision-making depends on the type of custody you have. There are different types of custody called sole and primary custody.

Sole Custody and Primary Custody

With sole or primary custody, the court decides which parent may have legal custody of your child and if your child will live with you or their other parent. This means that one parent will have sole or primary custody, or you could possibly be able to share custody with your ex.

Custody can be a complicated process, and it can be difficult for families to come to an agreement about the custody of their children. However, our knowledgeable attorney, William Geary of Law Offices of William L. Geary, can further explain your options for custody under Ohio law.

To ask your questions about custody in Ohio, give us a call today at (614) 289-1227 to schedule a consultation and an appointment to begin your custody case!
